Corso di Laurea in INFERMIERISTICA - Polo Didattico "San Paolo"
#14 Prevalence of metabolic syndrome and pre-metabolic syndrome among nurses: an Italian survey
#13 The state of health among Italian nurses: an observational study
#12 Preoperative phisiotherapy in patients undergoing thoracic surgery: what criteria?
#11 Preoperative nurtritional support in patients undergoing thoracic surgery: what criteria?
#10 Preoperative biofeedback improves post-prostatectomy incontinence better than pelvic exercises
#9 Maintenance exercises for urinary incontinence after rehabilitation following prostatectomy
#8 Early mobilization and postoperative complications after thoracoscopy
#7 Long-term effects of functional electrical stimulation vs extracorporeal magnetic innervation...
#6 Metabolic syndrome as a risk factor for work-related stress: impact on organization
#5 Long-term effects of pelvic floor muscle training vs extracorporeal magnetic innervation
#4 Building a quality evaluation system for the nursing triage process
#3 Urinary incontinence and quality of life after radical retropubic prostatectomy
#2 Quality of life in post-radical retropubic prostatectomy (RRP) patients
#1 Study of nursing clinical documentation in the emergency departments of public Italian hospitals
#78 Italian Version of Cancer Dyspnea Scale
#77 Respiratory Distress Observation Scale Italian version.
#77 Critical incidents involving the Medical Emergency Team: a5-year retrospective assessment
#76 Valutazione e Gestione del Rischio di Esposizione al COVID-19 degli Operatori nei penitenziari
#75 Empowerment of informal caregivers in mental health in childhood:
#74 Cambiamento negli ospedali, Terapie Intensive, assistenza al malato critico in tempi di Covid-19