Corso di Laurea in INFERMIERISTICA - Polo Didattico "San Paolo"
#75 Empowerment of informal caregivers in mental health in childhood:
#74 Cambiamento negli ospedali, Terapie Intensive, assistenza al malato critico in tempi di Covid-19
#73 Efficacy of Triple Chronotherapy in Unipolar and Bipolar Depression
#72 The teaching strategies and the tools for ensuring safe and quality care: a Scoping Review
#71 Assessment of nutritional risk in persons with mental health disorders
#70 How to protect the elderly population with comorbidities in the step2 COVID pandemics management
#69 Family ENgagement in Intensive Care Environments (FENICE): a quasi-experimental study protocol
#68 La versione italiana della Nurse Cultural Competence Scale
#67 The relationship between urolithiasis, metabolic syndrome and nurse shift work.
#66 La Triple chronotherapy in pazienti ospedalizzati: protocollo di studio di un RCT
#65 Nursing students’ perceived safety of the learning clinical environment
#64 Nursing sensitive outcomes studied to-date among patients cared for in intensive care units
#63 Valutazione infermieristica del rischio suicidario in un Psichiatrico di Diagnosi e Cura
#62 Il burden del caregiver della persona con diagnosi di Schizofrenia: studio multicentrico
#61 Music therapy reduces stress and anxiety in critically ill patients
#60 Nursing homes as learning environments according to undergraduate nursing student's perspective
#59 Nursing students’ experience of the mental health setting as a clinical learning environment
#58 Nursing students’ attitudes towards nutritional care of older people
#57 Systematic review of shift work and nurses’ health
#56 The perception of clinical risk among students of different health professions