Corso di Laurea in INFERMIERISTICA - Polo Didattico "San Paolo"
Aggiornata la sezione "Pubblicazioni"
#94 Assessing the patient undergoing pelvic rehabilitation for urinary incontinence
#93 Identifying nursing structures and processes that influence patients’ outcomes in the I.C.U.
#92 Nutritional care of older people: investigating nurses’ attitudes in medical and surgical units
#91 Alarm Fatigue in nurses working in intensive care units: a multicenter study
#90 Self-reported skills for patient safety and quality of care among Italian nursing students
#89 Translating knowledge about organs and tissue donation using webinars
#88 Are intensive care units good places for nursing students' learning compared to other settings?
#87 Italian validation of the Suicide Behavior Attitude Questionnaire (SBAQ)
#86 Fostering nursing students’ clinical reasoning skills with an unfolding case study based on QSEN
#85 Multi-dimensional dyspnea-related scales. A Systematic Review of psychometric properties.
#84 The use of mobile applications in urology. Systematic review
#83 Maintenance exercises for urinary continence after rehabilitation following prostatectomy
#82 Violence and unsafety in Italian hospitals: experience and perceptions of nursing students.
#81 Validation of the Italian version of the ROSIER scale for stroke patients at triage
#80 Transcutaneous pudendal nerve stimulation for refractory urinary incontinence: a viable option?
#79 A new tool for assessing the risk of fall in children with severe disability: the ALICE scale
Inaugurazione Anno Accademico 2021/2022
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